I remember how MH told us that Christmas Day was DS’s favorite day of the year. And that she transitioned on that very day.
The strength coming from these two amazing people has been (and continues to be) unbelievable. The thought comes to me from time to time that at one time before I ever even knew of their existence, they were navigating what we have all come to know.
But their response to that experience was this… This site… Helping so many others get through what they had been through, and had overcome. Considering my own recent personal loss, I find it unbelievable that they were able to put so much energy and effort and love toward something outside themselves.
I have spent the last little bit rereading DS’s last thread, requesting "MOJO" for her health situation in 2016. How she took the time to respond to our well wishes and support. How she shared the love that she and MH obviously had for each other. Her amazing strength and perseverance.
How blessed we were that DS chose to take us along with her as much as possible.
How blessed we are to have this site for practically any and every need we face - related to the central theme… Or not.
MH… I am certain that I was not the only one here thinking of you and DS during this Christmas season.
Simply………Thank you.
[This message edited by WhatsRight at 11:22 AM, Saturday, January 4th]
"Noone can make you feel inferior without your concent." Eleanor Roosevelt
I will not be vanquished. Rose Kennedy