So mom got out of the hospital on Thursday, I took her for a little cruise around town, had to stop at her pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions (got her onto the blister pack service) and then to her retirement home. An occupational therapist showed up to check out the room to make sure she could access her dressers and that there were no apparent hazards. Another service sent over a riser commode to sit above her toilet and a safer walker. Her rolling walker was deemed unsafe for her because she uses it irresponsibly (she's not conscientious about the brakes). She did very poorly on a balance test before leaving the hospital, and is deemed very high risk for falling.
We determined that one of the chairs I took over there was extremely unsafe. It's been underneath a pile for the last 20 years so I thought it was in good condition. Which it is to look at. But it's a swivel rocker (didn't remember that) and it's very, very low to the ground. I could barely get out of it when I sat on it. So that has to be removed. The 2nd chair I took over there out of the 3 is also unsafe. Sigh.
She had a hard time getting from my car to the room. I think it was just more that she was overwhelmed. She's been getting to the dining hall and back all right, except she has missed one meal. Yesterday, my brother said he was there just after lunch and was asking her about it, and she talked about the bacon and eggs. He was confused and said wouldn't that have been breakfast? In talking it through, he determined it had been breakfast and she somehow skipped lunch. I was afraid of stuff like this happening.
My H and I were there on Saturday to bring over some more things for the room, and to hang some stuff. Making things more comfortable, etc. I had 2 really frustrating conversations with her. The first one was her telling me that she had asked my brother to bring over something that she had already asked me to bring over, and I just had brought it although she didn't know that yet. I got upset because she always asks 4 of us for the same things, and then 4 of us show up there with said item, and she doesn't need 4 of anything! She does not have the room to be hoarding there! I lost it a bit and was pretty firm in saying stop asking all of us for the same item! Just ask one of us! The 2nd one was that she showed me a word search puzzle that she was given in the hospital by the book cart lady. That lady saw she had like 7 word search books there and started bringing her photocopies of word search puzzles, like she needed more. Why does everyone feel the need to pile on more crap when they see that someone likes something and already has a bunch of that thing? For whatever reason, my mom would dutifully do the puzzles that the book lady gave her and then she would give them back when the book lady came back the next week. In the hospital, I said "mom, it's not an assignment! You don't need to return them. I'm sure she throws them away." I don't understand my mom thinking the woman wanted them back. So, she showed me a photocopied puzzle that the book lady gave her the other day and that puzzle relates to my job. I said hey, I'll take that and I'll photocopy and put it out on the lunchroom tables for my co-workers. Some of the people at my job like to do puzzles while they eat lunch and on their breaks. Mom hesitantly said well, ok, but she'd need it back. Why, I ask. Well, because it's not hers, she needs to return it to the book lady at the hospital. WTH? Who does she think is going to drive across town to return completed word search puzzles to the book lady at the hospital? My H literally said do you know how crazy you sound right now? It wasn't our finest moment, but we are so freaked out when she acts this way.
I told him when we left that we need to just re-frame with my mom, that we really need to just overlook how cuckoo she's being, just say ok, she's going to forget about it in a week anyway. But it's hard.
At home, I looked up a drug I saw there that I was not familiar with, and it's for occasional insomnia. It can cause confusion the following day so maybe this is why were are finding her more bananas on some days than others.
I just about fell over when she told me that she walked to the library in the retirement home which is just a bit down the hall from her room in a different direction from the dining hall. I was very pleasantly surprised to hear she did something that no one made her do. I was also very surprised to find her bed made (by her) on Saturday.
One problem we are having is the government services she qualifies for. Don't get me wrong, we're very happy that they exist and we do plan to use some of them. But for instance, a PSW showed up unexpectedly to help her shower on Friday and it was 20 minutes before she was due in the dining hall for dinner. I do think that shower help is something she should have, but I do not think it's reasonable to show up with no notice and expect her to get through that and be at dinner 20 minutes later - that is entirely too much for her at one time. That occupational therapist showed up with no notice, too. In a time when we're cautioning our seniors to be careful, to not let people into their homes, hang up when strangers call, don't fall for this, don't fall for that, etc. we've got services/strangers just showing up all willy-nilly wanting to come into her home. That's not right. That should be cleared through me so I can give her notice and the ok.
My H and I are going to join her for dinner at the retirement home on Xmas day. It's nice that we can join her for meals there. Apparently, it costs us $12 each. No biggie.