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We are falling apart here

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Superesse ( member #60731) posted at 5:48 AM on Thursday, December 26th, 2024

WhatsRight, Merry Christmas to you and yours, and the pups! I have missed hearing from you. Even though I knew it was a hard, hard time for you.

Mink had his 2nd Christmas with us today. He is 85 pounds of big bad boy now. Kept him in the room with us but in his holding crate just around a partition from the room with the Christmas tree, so he couldn't observe (and learn from) Missy ripping open our gifts for everybody. She looks forward to doing her job all year. Christmas is her favorite day!

Well, I know you'll appreciate this story! I got a new area rug for the living room the other day to fix it up for Christmas, because Mink had shredded my Mom's old oriental rug this summer. It was on sale, perfect fit, and makes the living room look so fresh and peaceful looking, with the Christmas tree up now, Wow! So, after I stashed the wrapping paper trash from Missy 'helping' open presents and getting first crack at Mink's new chew toys and big red ball, I figured it was finally safe to allow Mr. Eager Beaver to leave his crate in the other room and join us.

He was just SOOO excited, as he had been barking the whole time: "lemme see!!" He and Missy went right to growling, kissing and running after each other gleefully. Then I see a brown chunk of something and thought it was a treat we'd given Mink earler. Nope, it was a little piece of dog poop! Meanwhile, that wild child is romping around putting down brown paw prints of dog doo on my brand new teal green rug! If it weren't so damn funny, I'd have cried. Apparently with these dogs I just will never be able to have a clean house. I think Mink got so excited today that he had a little accident. Had to go right from party time to clean up....

How is Miss Bella?

[This message edited by Superesse at 6:08 AM, Thursday, December 26th]

posts: 2273   ·   registered: Sep. 22nd, 2017   ·   location: Washington D C area
id 8857072

 WhatsRight (original poster member #35417) posted at 2:34 PM on Thursday, December 26th, 2024

What a fabulous story! I have to say that I know how you feel about an area rug in a room. It just takes whatever you have decorated it to be, to the next level. It makes it cozy and relaxing and wonderful. I LOVE area rugs. But I personally think there is some chemical in an area rug that causes a dog to want to pee on it! Of course, that may be me making excuses for my puppy dogs. So I have basically given up. 🙄

My puppies are doing fabulous. ❤️

You know, I can’t remember if I have told you all about the newest addition to our family. I had five puppy dogs. But one of them was my granddaughter’s mother‘s dog whom I have had since she was born. And she is six years old now. But we finally paid the deposit and she was able to take her home. So I was down to four. Sadly, Jackie Chan, the oldest, is 16. And she’s not in great health. So I know that before long we will be down to three. And that seemed very doable for me. Maddie, the big lug, dufus mastiff/great Dane/Chihuahua😳, April the border collie / beagle, and of course, my dear sweet Bella, the mini dachshund that was my husband’s personal nurse. 😊

Anyway, my oldest son sheepishly called me one day to talk about getting a new dog. I told him I had all the dogs I could handle (because we all know that I would be the one taking care of her). But he sweet talked me into at least meeting her. if I’ve told you this before, I apologize.

Anyway, she is a bully. And I’m talking her breed, not her personality. The exact stereotypical "mean dog". She evidently produced championship dogs, and she was overbred to the max. And when they were done with her, they threw her off of a second story balcony. Long story short, she ended up with another breeder, who was taking care of her, but who needed to find her a home. And she eventually wound up with my sons best friend. then he moved, and his landlord refused to allow her at his house due to her breed.

So, long story short… And you knew it was gonna happen, right? We took her in. Her name is Maya. And she is simply an angel. She is the most laid-back easy-going dog I have ever been around. You know how much I love my Bella, and she will always hold the most special place for me. But you also know how yippie a dachshund can be.. If a mouse farts in the backyard, Bella starts barking!

It is laughable the reputation that these bullies have… Or at least bullies like Maya. Because people walk through the front door that she is never seen before and not a peep out of her. She barely even pays any attention. We have to call her over to get her to interact Because she just is "chill "about everything.

I had her neutered, and while she was still in quite a bit of pain, my Maddie was trying to play with her, and she wasn’t having it. So she growled real big and turned on Maddie. It scared the shit. (excuse me) out of Maddie (and me) but Maya did not make any move to actually bite her. I think she was just letting her know that She was in pain and she was in no mood for playing. my granddaughter was sitting next to them when this happened, and she amazingly just very quietly and slowly removed herself from the situation. Then my son went over to Maya and addressed it with her. Made her lie on her side and lie quietly then he proceeded to let my granddaughter know that Maya wasn’t wanting to hurt anybody. But also let her know that if she ever saw a dog acting, like that anyway, that she had done the exact right thing to remove herself from the situation. I was so proud of him for taking over that situation. Normally, I handle the discipline of the dogs, but I stepped back and allowed him to take care of that , and he did a great job

My granddaughter and Maya have actually been "besties" for some time, as my son would take her over to his friends and hang out with Maya. So my granddaughter is on cloud nine getting to see her so much now.

I have to tell you what has just this second happened. I’m ying in the bed watching my favorite jewelry making show on TV. Next to my bedroom on one side is the hallway and my door is always closed. Next to my bedroom on the other side is a sliding glass door with a sunroom, which has a doggie door. Once morning comes, I leave the outside door open, so the dogs can come and go outside through the sunroom and into my bedroom

So I was typing my story about Maya to you all just a second ago, and there was a knock on my bedroom door. And someone was fidgeting with the door knob. All of our doors have levered handles because my husband was unable to grip a round door knob.

So I heard fiddling with the door knob and I assumed it was my son because he’s the only other person in the house. So finally, I just said… "Come in ". And the door opened and Maddie walked in and jumped up on the bed. I have been laughing so hard that I couldn’t even type this for a while. She has not only figured out how to use the lever handle on the door to push down and push the door open… But she can open it from the inside and pull the door to toward her to open it as well. My goodness I love these dogs.

Suppressed, i’m so sorry about your new rug. But I have to admit that I did get a good laugh when you told the story. I feel like there are quite a few of us here on SI that really love dogs. But I think there might be a subset of those of us who, just simply can’t imagine life without them. I know for a fact that there is no way I could’ve gotten through these past few months without these characters in my life. They are constant companions. Their antics keep me laughing. And when they see me really struggling emotionally, they come to me and lie beside me and… There’s no other word for it than "minister" to me.

I appreciate all of you all, having such kind thoughts and words for me. I have struggled with the very thought of losing my husband for some time now, but those fears were never even a fraction of what reality is. I know I will never be the same, But thank God I have family that guarantee that I will keep on keeping on keeping on, even if only for them. And of course… I have my babies. Now back up to five for as long as Jackie can hold on.

And of course… I have all of you!

Merry merry Christmas to everyone!

"Noone can make you feel inferior without your concent." Eleanor Roosevelt

I will not be vanquished. Rose Kennedy

posts: 8251   ·   registered: Apr. 23rd, 2012   ·   location: Southeast USA
id 8857089

zebra25 ( member #29431) posted at 4:50 PM on Friday, December 27th, 2024

Nice to see an update from you WR. Glad your pups are all doing well. I miss the dog threads.

My puppy is eight months old and doing well. My terrier mix is getting along much better with her but has not bonded like she was with my boy that passed last year. The puppy adores him and cuddles with him all the time. Her puppy energy is a bit much for him. He prefers naps and cuddling to crazy puppy playing.

Such a sad backstory your new dog has. People can be absolutely horrible to these amazing animals we are blessed to have.

"Don't let anyone who hasn't been in your shoes tell you how to tie your laces."

D-day April 2010

posts: 3705   ·   registered: Aug. 25th, 2010
id 8857223

 WhatsRight (original poster member #35417) posted at 6:08 PM on Friday, December 27th, 2024

Oh, give your puppies some time. I just know that your terrier is really missing the dog you lost. He(?) will warm up to that little puppy before too long.

When I had Maggie… I guess you all are remembering Maggie, who passed away about a year and a half ago. But when I had her, after we got Bella, I said that was the last dog I would ever have.

Just before he passed away, I got the burning need for another dog. I certainly had not planned it. And he was very adamant that I get her. So I got her just in time maybe 2 days – for him to be responsive and able to meet her. He looked at me and said, "she’s a really good dog." I think he and I both knew that I would need her in the near future to help me through.

Anyway, I digress. I said all of that to say that Bella was not happy with this new doofus, crazy jumpy clown of a dog. But they all love her now, because how couldn’t they? And even my old girl Jackie, who is 16 has gotten to where she can put up with the new bully.

I think your puppies will fall in love with each other eventually… I really really hope so.

[This message edited by WhatsRight at 6:10 PM, Friday, December 27th]

"Noone can make you feel inferior without your concent." Eleanor Roosevelt

I will not be vanquished. Rose Kennedy

posts: 8251   ·   registered: Apr. 23rd, 2012   ·   location: Southeast USA
id 8857227

zebra25 ( member #29431) posted at 10:58 PM on Friday, December 27th, 2024

Thank you WR. My terrier mix is doing much better with the puppy. The puppy his A very b playful energetic breed so she can be a lot for all of us. laugh

I am going to look more seriously for a trainer to help me with a few things.

"Don't let anyone who hasn't been in your shoes tell you how to tie your laces."

D-day April 2010

posts: 3705   ·   registered: Aug. 25th, 2010
id 8857276
Topic is Sleeping.
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