Dear OneSadLady/TotalIdiot,
I felt terribly sad reading this post, seeing your username(s), reading your signature ("I hate this"), and noting the date. It reads as the post of someone who is convincing herself that she is OK (divorced asap, fulfilling life, will travel), but who is actually deeply unhappy.
My pandemic puppy continues to be a constant source of delight. She waggles with every part of her body, leaps after her ball with abandon, and gathers her every brain cell to try to figure out the tricks I’m teaching her. She has also taught me many life lessons, and illuminated many bible lessons. She was in pain after a hernia operation, and when I tried to come near her, she bared her teeth and growled. Growled! At me, her beloved dispenser of beggin’ treats. I realized that dogs (people) who are in pain become immensely selfish-oriented and selfish. I’m not saying this in a judgmental way, but in an observational way. It happens that dogs (people) who are normally loving, other-focused, and giving become preoccupied with their pain and their needs.
As humans (not dogs) we can choose what to do with our pain. A lot of us deny, blame, lash out, or we have other terrible ways of dealing with it. The effect is that our pain does not go away and we have now hurt other people and our community.
In your pain, you lashed out at the SI community and, although you did not use his name, in a personal way at MH. And worse, though you may not (consciously) have realized it, on the 8th anniversary of the too-early death of his beloved wife. This was very wrong and very selfish.
Perhaps you think it doesn’t matter, perhaps you believe the harm done to you by expelling you from a community that was meaningful to you following the unilateral destruction of your marriage means that the harm you have done to him doesn’t matter. That could not be further from the truth. The way you conduct yourself matters, and taking responsibility for your actions matters. Although your ego will rail against apologizing, that is what you should do.
Don’t let lack of intentionality be a defense. Most of the hurtful things people do are not intentional.
Don’t let logistics be a defense. Send your apology to the into email that anyone can use even without an account. He will get it.
Don’t let balance be a defense. You may think that the small wrong you have done is far outweighed by the big wrongs he has done to you. Please make a bit of mental space for the chance that you are wrong about that, that in your painful situation you don’t see clearly.
Best wishes, onesadlady/totalidiot. I hope you become a peaceful wise lady.
When I kept silent, my bones wasted away with my groaning. Day and night your hand was heavy on my, and my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer. Then I acknowledged my sin, and did not cover my iniquity. I said "I will confess my transgression to the Lord, and you forgave the guilt of my sin. (psalm 32)