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Reconciliation :
Did The 180 Make A Difference For You?

Topic is Sleeping.

 icangetpastthis (original poster member #74602) posted at 5:40 PM on Thursday, December 26th, 2024

What is your experience with the 180? How long ago? Where are you now?

M = 41 yrs on DDay = May 2018
Me/BS = 60; WH = 63
Not R
In House Separated = May 2024
Filed For D = March 2025

Remember who you are and what you want.

posts: 56   ·   registered: Jun. 16th, 2020   ·   location: A broken heart.
id 8857100

woundedbear ( member #52257) posted at 8:24 PM on Thursday, December 26th, 2024

I did not do the "180", at least, not the strict version of it I have seen here on SI. But, I did set down very strong boundaries, and they were not negotiable. It made for some very uncomfortable and sometimes loud arguments.

My fWW was more broken than she ever let on. I think if I had gone all 180, she may have finished herself off. Yes, she may have committed suicide. It came close a few times. I had to approach the boundaries with a great deal of compassion for the "whys" of what had made her so needy of affirmation that she was willing to slut herself out to men to get them to desire her. On one hand, I would not tolerate any more communication with past men who were in any way involved in cheating, from EA to PA. I would not tolerate anything other than 100% access to her phone, email, devices, etc. Any breach of this, and we were done. And I would tell our families why I had to divorce her. I was not taking any blame. I also pushed her hard to jettison any of her friends who were not friendly to our marriage. In that way I was hard core.

The mercy came as I realized the tt that she did for years had nothing to do with wanting to not tell the truth, but from deeper places of shame and fear, and a critical lacking of introspection on her part. Even though she was a very intelligent woman (a scientist) she was brought up in a home that lacked any emotional intelligence, and it showed. Feelings were not just something you did not talk about, they were to be quashed and all costs and swept away. Never to be thought of again. Nobody modeled or taught her how to feel, let alone question her feelings. That is what took the most time to get back on track.

The 180 means to me, don't do the pick me dance, have clear boundaries, work on yourself first (independently) make the WS work on themselves, and if you want to make it work, be compassionate. I am sure there will be more knowledgeable people who will also respond, but that is my two cents.

Me BS (57)FWW (57)DDay 3/10/2015 Married 35 years, together 39 2 kids, both grown.

posts: 280   ·   registered: Mar. 14th, 2016   ·   location: Midwest
id 8857111

The1stWife ( Guide #58832) posted at 2:20 AM on Friday, December 27th, 2024

I did the hard 180 but did not set boundaries, mainly b/c I no longer cared as I planned to D him.

I barely spoke to him and did nothing for him. No laundry. No errands. No favors. No meals. No buying his favorite grocery items.

When he begged me to R, I offered no support, no boundaries, no "this is what I need". If he got me to change my mind and not D, lucky him. If not and we did D, it was due to his lying and cheating.

He needed to prove to me that he was worth getting a second chance. Somehow he managed to turn things around. But as I said, I was not helpful or supportive.

I can say that it wasn’t easy to R. He had to learn I was always going to hold him accountable and no longer back down. On anything. That was not something he was used to — I would always give in. Now - I do not back down on anything. Makes me sound like I’m evil but I’m not. I just hold you to your word.

11 years later we are happily R. But I’m certain he regrets all of it because he has seen a side of me he probably wishes he never saw.

Survived two affairs and brink of Divorce. Happily reconciled. 11 years out from Dday. Reconciliation takes two committed people to be successful.

posts: 14525   ·   registered: May. 19th, 2017
id 8857126
Topic is Sleeping.
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