Believe it or not, I can relate a lot to your situation. I'm 73, in in-house-separation for 22 freaking YEARS due to my WH's infidelity and his mental issues (ADHD/autistism spectrum/Schizotypal/Narcissistic/Psychopathic traits, PICK ONE! plus an arrest record with prostitution!) Yet he is 66 and has nowhere else to really go if I boot him out of the home he helped me pay for and then paid the mortgages off, but had to give me in exchange for my old home (of somewhat lesser value) as part of our post-arrest legal marital agreement back in 2014.
Well, I had high hopes we could do the roommate thing as we did sort of get along and he was all sorry about his disconnects mentally (never sought deeper help). But, it's a total drag living with his daily dismissive and even rude communications - or better said, lack thereof. Yet he obviously doesn't want to let go of what he still has (a room in my house!), gives me many "acts of service" even as he drives me NUTSO, so I am feeling like at this age....stay or go gets more complicated.
What I'd recommend is that you do several things here:
a. Talk to an attorney but be prepared for major confusion on their part.
b. Imagine he's actually your older brother and what an older brother would expect out of such a living-together relationship. And then, don't forget that your brother would be truly happy for the most part, if you found a romantic and loyal lover, whereas someone like this believes that what they offer you instead should be ENOUGH. And I mean that. They really DON'T GET IT about emotional needs. I'm at the point where the disrespectfulness - always claims he 'didn't mean it that way' yet I notice he NEVER gives this inattention to his friends, that I ever see - is pointing towards the conclusion that he has a fundamental disrespect of women that goes way, way back in his life. AND HE IS UNAWARE OF IT.
c. You will never, ever be able to extricate yourself easily from this situation once you enter it, trust me. So please make sure there is some way that if you ever got to where people get to, and need for your own sanity to get out of the bind, you don't end up hurting someone else. Because they do have a disability and it's like they want you to "lift them up" every day to help them be normal. I'm just tired of that after multiple D-Days.
Otherwise, it's not that dear friend now 80, had married a much older man after her divorce, and they had a strange kind of marriage for over 25 years, but I do think it wasn't always platonic. I saw her total devotion to him for over a year as he lay bedridden until he died at age 94. She told me he never once in all those years really told her he loved her or even bought her a birthday card!! He just left her the farm. He was old WWII/Korea/Vietnam decorated Army Colonel and was divorced himself, (first wife cheated) and really was a solitary man, wasn't autistic I don't think, but was just not schooled in the niceties of romance! I know he was jealous as hell of her, she couldn't even go to lunch with me in town (she was a beauty).
[This message edited by Superesse at 11:53 PM, Tuesday, December 31st]