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Thoughts on New Years resolutions


 Shehawk (original poster member #68741) posted at 1:56 PM on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions, but am contemplating certain changes I would like to make this year. I am curious what others think, making and keeping them, usefulness etc.

"It's a slow fade...when you give yourself away" so don't do it!

posts: 1875   ·   registered: Nov. 5th, 2018   ·   location: US
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zebra25 ( member #29431) posted at 2:17 PM on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

I don't really do resolutions. I try to make positive changes on a regular basis. If I'm failing at something I try to be more mindful and get back on track. That works better for me than making resolutions once a year and inevitably not following through.

"Don't let anyone who hasn't been in your shoes tell you how to tie your laces."

D-day April 2010

posts: 3705   ·   registered: Aug. 25th, 2010
id 8858032

annb ( member #22386) posted at 2:48 PM on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

I'm making a resolution or rather a commitment to myself to get lots of crap out of our house.

WH transferred to TX from NJ in 2011, I moved with him but moved back several years ago. He commutes back and forth between homes several times a year. When he's here he gets minor things done but doesn't have time to devote to a major clean up. Other times we are together we are in FL with our son/family who live there or we are on vacation.

My sons have been gone for years and basically didn't take all of their stuff.

Haven't been in our attic in years, I know whatever is up there can be thrown out with the exception of a set of china my grandfather gifted us when we got engaged.

The garage needs to be cleaned out. My youngest helped me a couple of years ago getting rid of lots of junk, but it wasn't enough.

We have accumulated so many things over 38 years in this home. We did do purges now and then but it's still piled up. rolleyes

I feel like my home is basically a warehouse, my youngest got married two years ago and had a baby this year. They live in a 2-bedroom apartment so everything they can't use is stored here. Everything from their engagement party, bridal shower, wedding and baby shower that they want to keep is here. Grandson just turned 8 months so all of his clothes that don't fit him and infant gear he doesn't need anymore is shoved into his old bedroom.

The problem is it's difficult for me to do it alone, but I'm going to try to discard as much as I can over the next few months. It's really weighing heavy on me. sad I've made a commitment to do the best I can.

Hopefully I can have a yard sale in the Spring. smile

[This message edited by annb at 2:49 PM, Tuesday, January 7th]

posts: 12228   ·   registered: Jan. 10th, 2009   ·   location: Northeast
id 8858036

whatisloveanyway ( member #66450) posted at 7:14 PM on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

I had a habit for years of writing goals for the new year, not resolutions but things I hoped to accomplish. I enjoy stumbling on them to see what I thought mattered or what I accomplished or see where I still need some work. I think I have had a goal of eating better and drinking less for a decade lol! At least I keep it on the list.

Ages ago I listened to a motivational speech by Tony Robbins. He is an advocate of writing career goals down to help you achieve them. I think there is something to that for life goals too. Maybe not so much for the accountability part, but for spending the time to really think about what you want to accomplish and writing it down where you can see it. I am a very visual person, and a list maker from the time I could write. I’ll probably always take stock at the end of each year and make goals or have some dreams for the next one, and write them in my journal. I haven’t yet this year, but I’m in a weird space. Maybe it’s time to get something on paper, just because.

I say go for it. And thanks for the nudge.

BW: 64 WH: 64 Both 57 on Dday, M 37 years, 2 grown kids. WH had 9 year A with MOW, 7 month false R, multiple DDays from 2017 - 2022, with five years of trickle truth and lies. I got rid of her with one email. Reconciling, or trying to.

posts: 583   ·   registered: Oct. 9th, 2018   ·   location: Southeastern USA
id 8858064
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