Background: Found out wife was sexting someone at her work a few months ago. There's a long story about it the Just Found Out forum. We're now trying to reconcile. We're both in IC and MC.
Is this gaslighting or am I just being codependent?
Recently, my wife went to an all-day conference for work at a hotel. The conference lasts for 3 days, and she opted out of staying the night at the hotel because it's uncomfortable for her, and because she understood that it would freak me out. The hotel is a little over an hour away from our house.
Day 1: She spends a lot of extra time getting ready. She looks amazing. She's wearing new clothes purchased for this event.
She's clearly excited about the day. I tell her how good she looks, and I can tell it's appreciated. She's being more affectionate, smiling more, and is just way happier than I've seen her in weeks or maybe even months. I find myself thinking, "This is the girl I married."
Out of nowhere, she says to me "What if I put on this negligee underneath my blouse and when I come home you can undress me?" I agree, that would be great (and think, I don't know where this came from, but I like it!) But she never says she's going to do that, just "what if".
Before she leaves, she says "What am I missing? Oh yeah, period products." She then runs back to our bedroom and returns triumphantly by saying "Got em".
I feel prepared for the day. I know it's going to be a challenge, but this conference happens every year, it's a real thing, and I'm used to this.
She leaves in the morning, gives me a big kiss goodbye and tells me she loves me. Then proceeds to pull out the driveway in the opposite direction of the hotel and in the direction of her work and her AP.
I'm immediately falling apart and searching for answers. What's going on?
I go back to our bedroom and check the closet; I can't find the top to the negligee, but I can find the panties. I look everywhere, but I can't find it. I'm now thinking, cool she may actually be wearing that, and I may actually get to unwrap her tonight!
I then go to our bathroom to double check the "period product" that she mentioned, and specifically I'm looking for a special item that is marketed as "what you use when you're on your period, but you still want to fuck". It was there early in the morning before my wife went back into our bedroom, but now it's gone.
My heart sinks and I feel like although there could easily be "reasons" for all of this, I'm in no mental shape to juggle this for the next 15 hours on my own.
My wife texts me and says that she stopped by a potential employer (all dressed up) to let them know she had applied for a position (which immediately explains why she started her day in the opposite direction of the hotel). Since her work is also a solid hour away, this checks out.
She later texts me when she gets to the hotel and sends me pictures of her parking tag with the time she arrived, and pictures of her sitting in a large conference room with other people. I feel a lot better now, but the period product and negligee are still bothering me. Of course, my trauma brain is saying "she's doing that for someone else at the hotel you moron!" But there's no proof of that, only fear.
I work from home through the day, and my wife texts me several times just to check in. We share some laughs, talk about the kids, and I'm "fine" but as we move into the afternoon all I can think about is that she's not going to be home until like midnight tonight.
During one of her long breaks, she texts me and asks if I'd like her to call. Which is greatly appreciated because it helps calm me down. But when she asks how I'm doing, I'm honest with her. I tell her I'm not doing well, for obvious reasons but I try not to go into a lot of details because I know that she's trying to make it through a long day, and she already knows all the reasons I'm not doing well.
At the advice of some forum goers on this site, I tell her that people online have suggested she take a polygraph test. I did this because I wanted to see what her reaction to that idea would be. I don't have any intention of formally asking her to do that. To my delight her reaction was good. She was cautious in her reply, but it was positive "Yes, I would do that. I don't have anything to hide. I've told you everything already, it was just those texts."
But then the call becomes mostly dead air, and I know she's unhappy.
A few hours later she texts me that she's in the restroom and is supposed to be headed to dinner but she's just going to come home instead. I never asked her or expected her to do this, and I say, "Don't come home early for me, I will be ok!" Her reply is short, "Already on my way home."
We don't communicate again until she's home about an hour later. She's visibly unhappy. I try to hug her, and she gives me a quick hug as she walks by. She's shut down, I've seen this happen many times before over our 22 years of marriage.
I'm now stuck trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do. I tell her thank you for coming home, but you didn't have to do that for me. That's when I realize that I don't think she came home for me. I think she came home because she was pissed off and didn't want to deal with my insecurities for another 6 hours.
I ask her about the period product, and she tells me that she just picked up whatever she could to make sure she could get through the long day. I explain that it was worrisome to me because she had previously told me she would not use it when she went outside the house, and I wasn't there. The conversation ends quickly, and she shuts down again.
As she's not talking to me, I decide to work out and go to bed early. But first I ask her, "I promise not to say a word in response, but can you please tell me how you're feeling? What you're thinking?" After a long pause she reluctantly she word vomits something like "I feel sad. I know you didn't do anything wrong. But I felt great this morning, and then after the call I just felt like you were listening to random online people, and I'm trying really hard and it just doesn't seem to matter."
Having promised not to say anything in response I got ready to sleep and gave out a big sigh. This causes her to say, "You obviously want to say something. Go ahead, talk!" I just say, "Thank you" and go to sleep.
Day 2:
I wake up first and I make her coffee as always. It's something she says makes her feel like I care about her.
I note that the period product is still not back in its spot. I forget to check on the negligee.
We don't speak to each other for the first hour. I eventually break the silence and say, "good morning." She responds halfheartedly and it's clearly not a good morning.
About 10 minutes before she's to leave for day 2 of the conference, I tell her "You look great. I love you. Drive safe today." I want to get all of that in before she leaves, and I don't want her to mistake my silence for not caring.
Before she walks out the door, she goes out of her way to give me a kiss goodbye. It's a good kiss. She looks amazing again. But today she's very unhappy.
She walks back in the house a moment later, never says a word, goes to our bedroom and then leaves the house and drives off towards the hotel.
I check for the period product, it's still not there. I remember to check the negligee, it's there now. That's probably what she unloaded.
No texts in the morning that she arrived safe. No pictures today.
Am I being gaslighted? Or am I just expecting too much?
[This message edited by 4characters at 2:57 PM, Thursday, January 9th]