Thank you so much for the update my friend. I just finished reading all your threads as well as Edith's. My heart aches for you. I do feel pity for her too in some regards. I actually am amazed you are where you are with respect to healing and working on reconciliation.
This might sound odd...honestly...but I almost feel like I am messaging someone famous after reading through everything you have been through. Almost like a war veteran who braved endless combat missions. Suffice it to say...I respect and honor you for so very much.
I grew up Catholic also...was lost as can be. At about the age of 28, I really began questioning so much about the Catholic religion, because I was taking part in the religious things, but started asking why I am doing these things. I also was getting intrenched in the sin of porn. God was searching for me however, and broke me. He showed me that religion and religious efforts, and morality, could never save me. Only Christ could save me....and the good news was that the work was all done!! He tells us just to "believe on Him". Anyway, all this background was presented to let you know I also had the view which was pretty much 100% against divorce due to my "religious" stance. I am still against divorce, but not for same reason. Marriage is a gift to us, and is meant to illustrate Christ's relationship to His church. And that is sacred. I love marriage. And I love my wife.
But coming out of Catholicism, and learning about the complexities of marriage and betrayal (I was betrayed), as well as the scripture where Jesus permits divorce, I really came to realize that although marriage is so sacred and should be saved and preserved (with the help of God's forgiving and healing grace).....there comes a point where I believe trying to preserve a marriage actually may be more of a "dishonor" to Christ and/or harmful to people. Hence, since He is wise and kind He gives the option for divorce. When is this right....? I don't know for sure....but it certainly depends on many factors and NEEDS wisdom from God.
I don't know what that means for you now. I do know this, as I was reading through your posts, there was one where you basically said "will she wind up divorcing me in 10 years?". And that was right after they bumped this post. It made my heart sink.
Friend, I honestly just do not know where your wife is at. Definatly ..she has not appreciated you as she should have. She has not cherished you consistently. Based on her filing for divorce (even though she rescinded it), it seems she still does not. It is sad.....really. I pray God truly opens her eyes and heart.
That leads me to something else that has been rolling around in my mind...which I hope can encourage you, and others. I know thinking through it has encouraged me. I am a big fan of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and I highly recommend you watch it with your family....great movies. But in the first movie "The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey"....Thorin Oakenshield throughout the movie expressed doubt, disdain, and disrespect about the presence of Bilbo in their company. At the end of the movie, Bilbo essentially saves Thorin. The Giant Eagles save the company for death and there was an emotional scene where Thorin declares how "he has never been so wrong in all his life" to Bilbo. Watch the movie....extended version....can be bought on Amazon Prime.
Anyway, I hope that given your miraculous loyalty to stay in your marriage and try to love Edith, that someday.....she is truly....I mean truly..... broken and made a new woman. Seeing you as THE ONE who she should have honored and respected all her life. Based on your bumped post ....I surely do not sense that has happened yet
Man embrace to you my friend.