I certainly contemplated finding some nubile beauties to service me after d-day (at my age, I couldn't count on servicing them), but it was the nubile beauties or R, not NBs and R.
I can't ever imagine telling my CSA-survivor co-d W that I expected her to be available for casual sex until I found someone better but that R was out of the question. That strikes me as downright sadistic and contemptuous, and if I was that contemptuous of my W, I certainly wouldn't have wanted to R with her.
So I think your H may have told you who he really is, unless he's so emotionally immature that he said those things to you out of anger, grief, fear, or shame.
I think it will be MUCH harder for you to heal if you have to experience abuse from him; in fact, his abuse may make healing impossible.
You apparently had consensual sex with the POS who raped you, and you were sexually abused by your father. Those are very heavy burdens to carry and to heal from. But you are working to shut down your vulnerabilities to cheat again. I imagine you're working to shut down your barriers to true intimacy. That's hard work, but there's a lot of reason to hope that the work will have good effects. I wish you the best. Paradoxically, the more you come to value yourself, the better partner you become.
This is all something I just need to be a rock through, right?
I think your H may be making your life more difficult than it needs to be. You don't describe a person who is a good candidate for R.
My reco is to sit down with your H, perhaps with a neutral observer like an MC in the room, and tell him you want to R. Ask him what his requirements are, and tell him you'll need support to R. That should result in a decision to D, to R, or to spend more time figuring out what you both want enough to work for.
The conversation I recommend will end best if you stay focused on yourself - your wants, your needs, not selling yourself out - and he stays focused on himself in the same way.
You can both be great people but not be able to R. And make no mistake: underneath the victimized child and woman you are, there's a loving, lovable, capable person who is as valuable as any other human being. Same thing for your H. It may just be that you don't fit together well enough now.
If you have to choose between being yourself and stifling yourself to stay with your H, I hope you choose being yourself.
IMO, your were absolutely right to tell your H that your POS ap had to deal with your triggers. Without honesty, R is impossible. If one of you can't handle the truth, I don't see how R can succeed.
Courage, morted, courage. Patience, too....