I was relatively transparent with my kids, age 1 and 3 when I found out. It is now 12 years out.
I told them vaguely that dad had relationships outside of marriage when they were very little.
One of my children asked me if I did, too. I was very shocked by that question and said No, probably with an obvious look of disgust on my face.
The kids aren’t close to their father as much as me, but he tends to be more dogmatic and judgey (irony of ironies). They have at times used this rarely in the usual teenage way, but I will always tell the truth.
When I found out, it decimated me. They knew. I lost 100 pounds from not eating and was a mess for several years.
It has been an exercise in teaching them improvement, both of us. And boundaries. And finding your own peace and digging in to make difficult relationships work.
There is always learning in pain, and that is what I try to emphasize.
I don’t excuse him at all, and I don’t assume his guilt and shame. Those are his burdens.
I frankly cannot imagine parenting my very difficult 16 yr old without him, though. I’m glad I kept him around, and he is making some growth. But this shit is still painful. It take the Emotional intelligence of an emotion genius to make this better. And the fact that he cheated made him an emotional idiot, so we started from a shit level.
It’s better. Better is not a destination, it is only a direction. And the path is at times like the Dread Pirate Roberts, where he did well today, he can go to bed, but I will most likely divorce him in the morning.
And the kids know. Openly. I talked about pain too, when we talked about this. I talked about picking yourself up and dusting yourself off and learning to cope without scorching the earth. It’s been reality, like a cancer, for them. We are in treatment and it is a chronic thing. Will never go away. But I’m still here.