Any thoughts on the breakdown of such "stuck" people, as they fall into the D or R camp?
Well, this thread quieted down, and I did say that I would engage with this question, so here goes.
This question has immense potential to be a hornets nest, so I’m going to preface this with saying what follows is only my opinion and I fully welcome other people’s opinions. I am also going to make some interpretations of other people’s responses on this thread, and if you feel like I’ve mischaracterized your story, please feel free to push back.
I personally believe that it is possible to stay "stuck" both in R and D, and that it is possible to truly heal in both categories as well. Let’s look at evidence for all four groups: stuck/healed crossed with R/D
D/Healed: I think this is an easy one, many examples on the board of people who have D’d and report being happy and healed. I’d put myself in this category, or at least close on both counts. I could cite many others, I suspect no one is going to push back on this one.
R/Healed: some seem to think this category is unicorn land, but again there are many members in good standing reporting horns and rainbows. Sisoon, hikingout, StillConfused, OldWounds have all weighed in just on this thread (sorry if I missed anyone, just going off memory at the moment). There are many others. No one is going to convince me this is fantasy.
R/Stuck: there are many that I fear fall in this category. Again, I don’t think we need to belabor this category, I don’t think it is controversial. It is a miserable possibility that we witness all too often here. It breaks my fucking heart.
D/Stuck: Gr8ful said:
I can only think of one instance where a BW came back here years later, after D, and is still filled with bitterness and resentment. Not sure if that qualifies as "stuck" since the marriage is long over, and hopefully the bitterness emerges rarely surfaces.
I don’t think I can align with this view of things. On this thread we have Bigger saying that while he swiftly exited the relationship, trauma festered and impacted his next relationship. Our friend AN has divorced but is still suffering from mind movies and struggling with the fallout. For goodness sake, the board got hit with a Christmas post by a (sort of) member that long ago divorced but still seems so consumed by the misery of it all. I also think there is a selection bias at play here: SI is about surviving infidelity, not necessarily navigating the difficulties of divorce and its accompanying loneliness and new struggles. This isn’t where people would come for support, even if the D was infidelity related. I certainly never grew up with a picture of divorcees as the most shiny happy people in the world. I know it devastated my parents for many years. I’ve heard anecdotally that divorced men live shorter lives. So, no, I don’t think divorce is a short cut to a wonderfully healed happy existence.