Kids will make up stories - and believe them - about what's happening unless you tell them the truth. My FOO was like that, big time. We did not talk about bad things, but I could see them happening. It's a mindfuck to be told that nothing is wrong when you can see and feel that that's not true. And lest you think that you're doing well at hiding it from them, think again, especially if your kiddo is the intuitive type.
Based on my history and on our MC's advice, we decided to tell our kids (10 and 16) the truth about a year after DDay. Basic, age-appropriate truth. They obviously knew in real time that something happened, because we separated for a month, but they didn't know what. We thought that was the end of it.
Three years ago, a full 17 years after DDay, my H said the word "affairS" when he was talking to our eldest. We had never elaborated on the number of affairs, just that he had cheated. She assumed that it was one time, and she already held me in a wee bit of contempt for taking him back. When she found out it was three, she lost her shit. She was furious with him, but she seemed to be even more angry with me. It had been so long since we had told them, that neither of us remembered that we hadn't told them that it was more than one A. It took several weeks before she'd even talk to us. She's a black-and-white thinker and I'm not sure she'll ever fully understand why I didn't immediately leave him.
My youngest has experienced infidelity with her H - an EA. Knowing that we had gone through it and recovered, she felt comfortable coming to us for advice, and her H felt comfortable talking with my H. Had they not known, they might not have had solid mentors to help them.
Having experienced both reactions, I still come down on the side of telling kids age-appropriate truth, and allowing them to ask questions if they need to, though also maintaining boundaries about what's their business and what's not. The truth is usually less daunting that what they come up with on their own.
[This message edited by SacredSoul33 at 10:58 PM, Wednesday, January 8th]