My healing journey has ebbed and flowed between my ws journey and my bs journey, making it long and sometimes it swallowed me whole keeping me stuck for periods of time.
Other times, the dark intermixed with moments of clarity, exhaustion from struggle dictated rest, sometimes elation came from realizing true change or recognition of something I could finally put down. All the struggle eventually culminating in knowing myself more deeply, and in turn allowing me to illuminate who I am to others or recognizing things in others as I know them about myself. But the struggle has been long and deep even though I don’t think I stayed stuck in any given thing for an overly long time. Probably the longest hardest things for me where I think I was most stuck was that first year or two after my affair and then his. I think that it’s so hard and disorienting because you have to go through the big emotions in your processing.
I have spoken a lot about the book by Eckhardt Tolle called "The Power of Now" and for me this has been my roadmap of healing. It’s not a quick or easy read and it’s something I come back to over and over because the knowledge he gives in this book expands over time. To see one thing leads to seeing another, that recognition leads to the mindfulness of unraveling the narration always playing out in my head. Knowing that narration is a result of my conditioning and not truth. Knowing that I am letting that narration control me.
It has allowed a shift of perspective that I (and every human being) tells themselves narratives that likely aren’t true or even helpful. And we let that dictate our feelings, actions, and control us in ways that may or more often may not be helpful.
When we can tap into our true self, the one that can observe all that human thought mess without judgment we can expand past it and reach for the clarity of our own truth. Through that process we can begin to love and accept our human nature rather than be ruled by it. And through this process we realize how divinely loved we are, how divinely our soul loves us and that we all have a part of ourselves that is part of the spiritual realm which connects us all and connects us to source energy. For many of us source is God but to others source is the collective energy of all of us. It doesn’t matter what you call it, it unites us, makes us whole, and takes our knowledge of our own human fallibility and unites us in compassion for that in others.
And to boil that down, it has brought me peace knowing that we are all always doing the best we can. Sometimes our best is this amazing accomplishment or finding our way to shine. Sometimes our best is destructive due to our self blindness. But when you start operating this way- your need to control any of it dissipates. A lot of our pain comes from not being able to control, whereas all our peace comes in acceptance. We realize that most human action comes from this place of unawareness of being led by these nonsensical narratives that come from only our past experiences.
And as I have tapped into all of that, I found the ability to protect my peace. Protect my needs. As I learned to do that, I learned to love by wanting to protect the peace of others. Because what we value for ourselves will be valued for thise we share our life with. It’s transformed every relationship I have because it puts down the need to control, manipulate, and put down the need for the outcome to look a certain way.
It’s in many ways a battle between ego and spirit. Ego is not a bad thing it’s the part of us that was given for our survival. It’s the part that scans for danger, protects us. But it interferes greatly with our healing.
Now that was a lot of density so if you got that far and don’t think I am completely mad- I went into that in order to get somewhere. When we recognize that divinity in ourselves, we begin to see past the narratives that limit us from having our best life. We begin to tell ourselves new stories. Knowing the divine love that is freely there for me gives me freedom to accept where I am in my journey at any moment.
What I began to see is my human form is a woman who has been ruled by shame from a very young age. And inherent belief of my own unworthiness meant I spent time chasing it and also running away from it. Often abandoning myself to seek it externally. Giving the power of others to dictate my worth. My boss thinks I am an idiot, I must be an idiot. My spouse doesn’t treat me as I want, it is because they see I am bad too. When I know that’s not really who I am, I am less susceptible to the negative self talk, allowing others to dictate my worth, and I can stay kind and loving to myself. This allows me now to also be that way towards others because even if their battle as different it’s also the same.
This meditation or awareness has allowed me to start recognizing when I am buying into the human narratives and frees me to look within for what it is I truly want. When you know those things, you can express them, you can protect them, and you do not need a justification, nor will it come from the places of lack. My mind is no longer a place of hell where I torture myself over the past or what might happen in the future. When I find myself in those battles I remember there is only now, this moment and in this moment none of these things are happening. In fact, if I nurture this moment joy can be found.
I am far from perfect at this. But I have learned to minimize my suffering by being that observer as often as I can. Allowing my soul to take the wheel and surrendering to that higher power, allowing me to focus on love, kindness and compassion. I must give these things to myself to have them for others.
What does this mean for infidelity? You can more deeply accept that this was not done for what you lack. This was done in the ws’s battle within themselves. It frees you to see that it’s not yours to take on. Instead, you operate from knowing your soul loves you and wants you to protect your peace. And protecting your peace comes from knowing what you want and taking away the lying narratives that make you feel badly about that.
Over time, life becomes more about protecting that well of love and peace inside of you from which everything else flows. Sometimes that means being patient as your ws is going through their own process . Sometimes it means taking action towards emancipating yourself from the situation. But when you are fully aligned with what it is you need and want, no longer based on the lying narrative but just out of pure love for yourself, then you can never stay stuck for long.
When I read here, I see the same narratives I battled . The ones that are very stuck on the long term are identified with their mind rather than their spirit. They are in the chase for the external validation, they are buying into their worth being tied to the thoughts of their spouse. It’s so human of us to look for that but as long as that power is given to the other person you relinquish yourself of your own power.
I believe some people stay far too long waiting for their spouse to see the light so they can be redeemed in it. Where as what really needs to happen is you learn to give it to yourself and if they can’t get there letting them go will be natural rather than a struggle.
If they do the work too you will know it because you know it in yourself. You trust what you have gone through, making it possible to accept what you are seeing in them. I think people who truly reconcile this is the how and why. Reservations that remain are actually clues towards what is left to heal in yourself.
It comes back to me in the lyrics of an eagles song:
So often times it happens we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key.
My advice to all who find themselves stuck is to relentlessly pursue yourself. Realize that the pain you feel is chasing that other people think- your clueless ws, the well meaning people who think they understand but have not walked through the fire your are in. Thinking you can control anything outside of you will always be a dead end.
For those who find themselves here- the past is devastating, the future is scary, but you always have shelter in any given moment be being present and loving with yourself. Become the observer and not the thinker.
[This message edited by hikingout at 6:55 PM, Thursday, January 2nd]