Hi Shellsbells,
I am so sorry you had to find us. This is a great group who have walked the path you are on - we understand your pain. Because of that, just know that everything said here is based on experience. Take what works and leave the rest, but also note that what hurts the most is sometimes not because we are wrong, but because it is on target.
First, please take care of you and your kids.
1) Eat healthy, avoid drugs/alcohol, exercise (even just walking), drink lots of water and get enough sleep. If you are having trouble eating, try protein shakes. See your doctor if you are having issues sleeping or with anxiety. Taking physical care of yourself is hugely helpful in your emotional well-being.
2) speaking of your doctor, you need to get STD/STI tested right away. Tell your doctor that your partner is cheating and ask for a full panel test for all the nasties. As you have learned, your partner lied. So don’t bet your health on whether or not he had sex with his AP (affair partner) or if they used protection. Too many of us here have caught things, some deadly. Your doctor has heard it all, so don’t be embarrassed- protect your health. And do not have sex with your WS (wayward spouse) until he has also been tested AND showed you the results. Cheaters lie and often try to minimize things, so don’t take his word for it.
3) It can be helpful to have people IRL to talk to. It sounds like you have supportive family- this is great. You might also look for a therapist (IC, Individual counselor) with trauma experience to help you navigate the roller coaster of emotions you will be experiencing. And this IS a trauma.
4) It sounds like you are not married and live separately. Is that correct? Make sure that you protect your finances and your future. He’s an addict who has taken advantage of your support. Addicts often show addictive behavior in other areas- drugs + infidelity + finances…. PROTECT YOURSELF.
5) Understand that this is 100% on him. There is NOTHING you did or did not do that caused this. Do not let him put any blame on you.
6) Read in the Healing Library and all the posts in the Just Found Out (JFO) forum with bullseyes. (You may have to go back a few pages to find them). They are FULL of great advice and guidance.
Recovery from betrayal like this typically takes 2- 5 years. If the WS is the ideal spouse and does everything right, it is still years to repair the damage and start to rebuild trust. Add drug issues, it may be longer. Please don’t fall into the sunk cost fallacy.
So he is not in recovery. What is your boundary on that? Are you willing to let him continue to lie about that? Addictions are tough to beat. What is HE doing to get better? Not what are you helping him with, but what is HE doing? This is his issue, his problem, to fix. You cannot fix him and you should not give support if he is not doing the work.
Since you are not married, live apart, and he’s repeatedly betrayed you (all the lies, the infidelity), it is hard to see a path forward. He would REALLY need to take the driver’s seat in his own rehabilitation. For now, focus on you and your kids. You can make a decision about staying or going when you are ready. For now, focus on you and what you want/need from a partner.
Keep posting, and trust that you will get through this.
[This message edited by BearlyBreathing at 1:14 AM, Tuesday, December 31st]