Sir, first of all my condolences on the assassination of the marriage you had, or, maybe the marriage you had hoped you had. The loss is a pain like no other and the grief is intense, at least it was for me. It may have taken place years ago, but for you, it happened yesterday
Please listen to the input here, especially The1stWife. She is spot on.
Im going to tell you some hard truths.
1. You cannot trust a word she says. Trust has literally been obliterated. You will most likely find out more in the days, months and years ahead. It is very common. She betrayed and deceived you in the worse way a "spouse" can. Believe only that which can be verified and take your time.
2. Stop moving so fast. You are in "fix it" mode. You are still in shock and need time to process. Find a good therapist, specifically one tbat specializes in betrayal trauma. It helps. I know.
3. Please read this thread (not because I started it, but because of the other contributers there):
Note - I too had small children at home and stayed in large part for them. Big mistake.
4. She needs to be in intensive individual therapy pronto and stay in it for a long time.
5. Unless you are ready to divorce immediately, make no long term committments in any direction until you have clarity. The recommended time frame is 3-6 months.
6. Invest in yourself like never before. Exercise, nutrition, hydration, quality rest (melatonin helps), time with friends. If you need/want to confide in trusted family and friends, do so. You need a support system around you and it cannot include her for the time being. Read up on the 180 (I wish to god I had something like this back when in order to help "right the ship" of my life as it were). I floundered....badly.
7. You both should read "How To Help Your Spouse Heal From Your Affair" and use it as a primer. You may want to add "No More Mr Nice Guy" for yourself to enable a sense of self empowerment.
Again,Im sorry you're facing this debacle of her making.
Strength and clarity to you in the days ahead.
[This message edited by DobleTraicion at 8:18 PM, Wednesday, January 8th]