Several years ago, I read a post by a WS that explained how they loved their BS even while cheating. I just wasn't ready to accept it, so I've forgotten what the WS wrote. I was convinced, though.
My W said she loved me all during her A. From what she said over time, she probably had some thoughts and feelings for me that are associated with love, but neither our MC nor I accepted her statement, and she only said it once, IIRC.
IMO, my W betrayed herself before me. I view her A as a symptom of an illness.
IMO, whether she loved me or not during the A doesn't matter to me. The fact that she professed love for ow is an annoyance to me - I just don't/won't place any weight on the words of someone so deeply into self-betrayal. IMO, because my W betrayed herself, nothing she did or said had much meaning, even though what she did had tremendous negative impact.
IMO, when a BS becomes aware of an A, the problem the BS faces is the future and present. The A is in the past. The WS's behavior after being outed is entirely relevant; the past, not so much. In my case, R required my W to win me back, to prove she loved me for myself, not my income (which went way down after d-day anyway). She did that with 1000s of trust-building actions - but that took years.
As I wrote, I viewed my W as if she were sick, and I give sick people leeway that I don't give to healthy people. But that's me. Each BS has to decide for themself how much leeway to allow.
I want to say we,re about 3 years into the reconciliation and some people on this page might not consider me in reconciliation. Because if the kids all went off to college today, I’m not sure I’d stay with her. If I’m being honest though, I still don’t 100% trust her and likely never will. Knowing and believing I can leave her at any point and live a great life is what gives me relief. If you read my story you’ll see I made just about every mistake in the book.
Oh, man! I hope that knowing D is always an option isn't a disqualifier for R!
Before I committed to R, the 1st question I always asked myself with each new revelation or issue was, 'Is this the deal killer?' After committing to R, I assumed we'd resolve every issue that arose between us - but I've always known that D is possible if we hit an issue we can't resolve.
Thanks for the update, Legatus. I'm glad you found yourself.
[This message edited by SI Staff at 7:17 PM, Saturday, January 4th]